























To be a successful leader, you must:
  • Be a teacher and communicator. Facilate understanding and communication
  • Delegate responsibilities. Accomplish things through other people.
  • Have stamina and take care of yourself.
  • Manage time and use it efficiently. You don't have to do everything.Make sure you develop a partnership with your group and leaders.
  • Have technical competence in subject maters. Your job is to understand the industry.
  • Do not condone incompetence. Be diplomatic, but look to the people of the future and select those who can perform. Leaders have a responsibility to ask those who don't perform to move on.
  • Take care of your people. Recognise those who are giving their time and congratulate them on a job well done.
  • Understand and be faithful to your vision.
  • Be willing to subordinate your ego. It's okay to give recognition, because people give it right back. Don't take credit first.
  • Know how to run a meeting
  • Be motivator. Be commited
  • Be visible and approachable. Arrive early at meetings and gatherings and circulate.
  • Have a sense of humour.
  • Be decisive. Know the issues and where you stand.
  • Look at the issues. Don't let your emotions rule you.
  • Have stability. Leaders must be reliable.
  • Be oepn-minded
  • Have dignity. Have high standards and a working knowledge of courtesy.
  • Show integrity.

  • Developing the Leader in You

    -Extracted from the News Straits Times, JULY 18, 1998.

    C hildren have an urge to take charge of a situation. Perhaps the situation was with a sibling, playmate, or parent, but usually, they had willpower to be stronger than what they should have been.

    As the grew up, they were always wanting to be the leader, whether as the captain of the team in gym class or as class president. At every age, we have either followed leaders or became leaders. You may remember the oldies song
    The Leader of the Pack .

    The leader was a cool, self-appointed person who had other teens following him and acting like him. As we mature, we hopefully do no vie for a teacher to appoint us line leader or follow the lead of a fast-talking, stylish dresser to be a part of the "in group".

    In all that we do, we become leaders. Often we are oblivious to this leadership because it is a natural part of who we are. Only when we dissect what we have done or the action we have taken do we realise that we have become leaders.

    There are important aspects of being a leader. As a leader, people look up to you for guidance and you are the one who makes the decisions that affect the group. Making sure not to abuse your role as a leader, you can create a better and more efficient company, office, of group. There are a few actions that need to be heeded to be a good leader. These are :-

  • Coordinate
  • Communicate
  • Direct
  • Listen
  • Challenge
  • Mentor

  • Whether done consiously or subconciously, we all go through these steps in a decision-making process. When we work on developing leadership skills, we must focus on each of these steps. Try using these ideas to develop your leadership skills.





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